Jay Mossman, founder & CEO of AKUVO, the availability of cloud-based technologies to enable credit unions to quickly update their delinquency strategies, tactics and results.
Jay Mossman started his professional career in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania with Mellon Bank as a programmer. After some years with RepublicBank and BankOne, he left banking in 1990 to become President & CEO of a financial services software company located in Wayne Pennsylvania. In 1998, he founded his own company and began a journey of entrepreneurship. Since then, Jay has started over 6 companies and created over $100 million in value for himself and his investors. In 2015, he sold his last company, Akcelerant, and became President of North America of Swiss-based Temenos. He left Temenos in 2019 and in 2020, he again started another venture, AKUVO, which has quickly taken off, already a leading provider of credit risk and delinquency management technology to financial institutions in the US.

If you have additional questions for Jay, please contact him at: JMossman@akuvo.com