Lindsay Johnston, with an extensive background as a general counsel and an HR executive in several industries, puts a spotlight on the Power of Professional Women organization. During the interview, Lindsay starts with the organization’s impressive mission, and her role as president, and then highlights the exciting programs, skill building events and the many benefits. After viewing this interview, you will be looking forward to hearing more about POWER’s accomplishments.
After more than 30 years’ experience as an attorney, human resources executive and various not for profit board experiences, Lindsay Johnston, joined the newly founded not for profit, POWER of Professional Women. The 501 c (6) membership association’s mission is to accelerate the development of the next generation of leaders with a focus on women so they can achieve parity in corporate leadership and board roles.
Lindsay can be contacted at
For more information on POWER visit the website

Lindsay can be contacted at
For more information on POWER visit the website