Mike Prior, CEO at Priority Financial Group Advisors, discusses how financial advisory services are a natural extension of the credit union’s financial education mission.
Mike Prior is the Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Priority Financial Group (PFG), serving credit unions and financial advisors since 1997. He possesses decades of experience in the securities industry, as well as dedicated expertise helping financial advisors and credit unions achieve their unique goals. Mike is a pioneer in introducing the Charles Schwab and Fidelity advisory platforms to credit unions. He is a recognized industry expert in implementing a best practices approach to taking credit union investment programs and advisor practices to their next level. Mike is a member of the National Association of Credit Union Service Organizations (NACUSO) Financial Services Advisory Board.

If you have additional questions for Mike, please contact him at priorm@pfgteam.com or call him at (800) 405-8850
Securities offered through Securities America, member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered by PFG Advisors. Priority Financial Group, PFG Advisors, PFG Wills & Trusts Document Preparation, and Securities America are separate entities. Office Headquarters: 3200 N. Central Ave., Ste. 200, Phoenix, AZ 85012